The law firm of Adams and Reese will participate in the Volunteers of America “Operation Backpack” school supply drive to benefit the Lighthouse Afterschool Enrichment Program by collecting much needed school supplies and backpacks for their scholars and help the students continue to have all the materials they need to succeed throughout the year. It is estimated to cost $50-$70 to fill one backpack for a fourth grader with the basic supplies needed this school year.
Adams and Reese Director of Human Resources Linda Soileau, who serves as Co-Chair of the Community Connections committee of the New Orleans Chapter of the Association of Legal Administrators (ALA), has launched the firm’s effort in the school supply drive.
Employees have been encouraged to purchase items on the Wish List at, or money for school supplies can be donated.
The Adams and Reese employee volunteer program, also known as HUGS (Hope, Understanding, Giving and Support), contributes to more than 200 organizations across the law firm’s regional footprint and donates thousands of hours and untold dollars to offer communities “hands on” activities and assistance to those less fortunate. Whether in the form of special events or participation in agency-sponsored fundraisers, Adams and Reese employees and attorneys are known throughout the region and the nation for their community action.