The Adams and Reese Jackson office partnered with Crossroads Ministries to provide food for 24 children who are on the free breakfast/lunch program at Boyd Elementary School. These children are from low income families, and the school has indicated that they probably would not get meals on the weekends if not for “Backpack Buddies.”
Backpacks were purchased early in the school year by Crossroads and were labeled with the children’s names. The Adams and Reese Jackson office purchased weekend food packs from the Mississippi Food Network to supply these 24 children food for a six-week period. Employees stuffed the backpacks with the bagged food and delivered them to the school on Friday. In total, Adams and Reese donations provided 144 meals during the six-week period.
Adams and Reese was recognized for its donations at the Crossroads Ministries Appreciation Banquet held on Thursday May 29th. Adams and Reese Partner Bill Brabec attended the event on behalf of the firm.
The Adams and Reese employee volunteer program, HUGS (Hope, Understanding, Giving, and Support), was founded in 1988 and has since devoted financial resources and thousands of volunteer hours to offer assistance to those in need. Every year throughout Adams and Reese’s regional footprint, employees donate time, money and supplies to more than 200 community organizations in need.