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With a nationally recognized practice in Oil & Gas Law in U.S. News – Best Lawyers Best Law Firms ranking (2018, U.S News & World Report and Best Lawyers® (by BL Rankings, LLC), Adams and Reese lawyers advise domestic and international companies of all sizes in the upstream, midstream and downstream energy sectors regarding transactional, regulatory and dispute resolution matters.

Chambers USA - Adams and Reese Firm LogoThe Adams and Reese Energy & Natural Resources Practice is ranked Band 2 in Mississippi by Chambers USA

While broad, our level of experience includes:

  • Transactions and due diligence. We have advised energy companies on a range of asset acquisitions and divestitures, including a billion dollar plus acquisition of deepwater Gulf of Mexico assets and others in the tens to hundreds of million dollars. We have advised clients regarding the development and implementation of natural gas depleted reservoir storage facilities – handling regulatory, environmental, financing as well as landowner leasing/contracts, rights of way, and eminent domain litigation. We have also represented clients in the acquisition of refineries, LNG facilities, processing plants and pipelines.
  • Regulatory compliance. We advise on a full range of compliance matters, including oil and gas well permitting, environmental compliance and permitting, emissions reduction plans, maritime regulations, greenhouse gas monitoring and reporting, and conservation, endangered species and related mitigation efforts. We have represented clients facing both major and minor claims as potentially responsible parties at numerous state and federal Superfund sites.
  • Contract and royalty matters. We have negotiated a full range of contracts and agreements including those addressing energy development, drilling and operating, processing and production, real estate and asset acquisitions and sales, marketing, construction and financing, pipeline services, rights of way and easements, transportation and cargo handling, longshore and towage operations, limitation of liability, platform and pipeline abandonment and rigs-to-reef conversions, among others. We have negotiated countless master service contracts, time charter and bare boat charter agreements, helicopter contracts, consulting services contracts and related agreements. We have assisted clients recover overpaid royalties and interest, as well as handled royalty payment disputes, allocation of suspense funds and similar matters.
  • Litigation. We represent energy companies of all sizes in the up-stream, mid-stream and down-stream oil and gas industries in a wide variety of commercial disputes, including claims arising out of alleged breaches of operating agreements, drilling agreements, transportation and logistics agreements, purchase and sale agreements, royalty agreements, product-handling agreements, financing agreements and vendor agreements. Disputes handled include claims of most every imaginable nature including charter party and collision disputes, operator/non-operator disputes, royalty disputes, tax disputes, claims for plugging and abandonment costs, pollution claims, insurance claims, indemnification claims, claims for unfair business practices and theft of trade secrets as well as government investigations and regulatory actions. Additionally we have handled a wide array of personal injury, illness and death claims arising in the oil and gas industry such as oilfield and refinery accidents and explosions, and toxic tort claims resulting from the use or storage of DDT, asbestos, benzene, methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) and other substances.
  • Preventive law. We work with clients to avoid and prevent claims by negotiating and drafting contracts which offer maximum protection under the law before claims have been asserted. We also advise on accident prevention, reporting and investigation procedures, contractual allocation of risk programs, creative, cost-effective claims resolution, pollution response procedures, risk management and insurance programs, and safety, health and environmental compliance programs.


 In addition to advising on traditional oil and gas matters, the Adams and Reese Energy / Oil & Gas Team, we provide counsel in related sectors such as energy insurance and underwriting, marine transportation, shipyards, wind and biofuels .

Our lawyers have represented clients in all types of environmental permitting, transport, and disposal matters, drafting and reviewing environmental agreements and advising on compliance with a full range of local, state and federal regulations. We represent clients in administrative hearings and enforcement proceedings before local, state and federal environmental agencies.

Defining Strengths

  •  Air and water pollution
  • Asbestos
  • Benzene
  • Brownfields
  • Cargo claims
  • Charter parties
  • Chemicals
  • Class actions
  • Condemnation and expropriation
  • Construction agreements
  • Drilling agreements
  • Energy exploration
  • Energy production
  • Environmental permitting
  • Environmental site assessments
  • Federal compensation claims
  • Hazardous substances
  • Limitation of liability
  • Longshore operations
  • Marine insurance coverage issues
  • Marine transportation
  • Maritime liens
  • Mass torts
  • Oil pollution
  • Oil well liens
  • Operating agreements
  • Pipeline permitting
  • Processing and production handling agreements
  • Property damage claims
  • RCRA
  • Salvage
  • Towage operations
  • Underground storage tanks (UST) requirements and liabilities
  • Vessel mortgages
  • Water use and management
  • Wetlands permitting