The Adams and Reese Baton Rouge office fielded a team in and sponsored the annual “Bowl for Hope” fundraiser event for Boys Hope Girls Hope, held on October 4-5 at Circle Bowl.
Bowl for Hope is an annual fundraiser that supports Boys Hope Girls Hope Baton Rouge. All proceeds from the bowling event provide housing, food, clothing, educational assistance and scholarships to youth participating in the program.
The Boys Hope Girls Hope program is a member of the Adams and Reese employee volunteer program, HUGS (Hope, Understanding, Giving, and Support), which was founded in 1988 and has since devoted financial resources and thousands of volunteer hours to offer assistance to those in need. Every year throughout Adams and Reese’s regional footprint, employees donate time, money and supplies to more than 200 community organizations in need.
Adams and Reese regularly participates in Boys Hope Girls Hope projects and events, including hosting graduation parties, organizing school supplies and backpack drives, picnic table projects, laser tag and Luncheon, basketball tournament, and a pizza and XBox night.