In Bloomberg Government’s 9th Annual Top Performing Lobbying Firms Report, Adams and Reese once again ranks among the “High-Performing Lobbying Firms of 2023.” Adams and Reese ranks among the top 125 of the 381 firms in this year’s report, listed by 2023 revenue. Bloomberg Government analyzes Lobbying Disclosure Act reports from registered lobbying firms that filed with the House and Senate. This annual report focuses on firms that reported $1 million or more in revenue and lobbying activity in each quarter of the year.
The data was filtered by five metrics: growth in revenue, growth in average revenue per client, short- and long-term customer retention rates, and revenue per registered lobbyist. Firms also met the “standout” designation of retaining 80% or more of their clients from the preceding year and 60% or more of their clients over three consecutive years.
Click here to access the Bloomberg Government report
Adams and Reese has government relations attorneys and advisors representing and lobbying for clients in DC at the federal level, and at the state and local levels in its 10 states and 20 offices. Adams and Reese represents companies, individuals, municipalities, governmental entities, universities, nonprofits, and regional coalitions, on a range of government relations needs, including: lobbying; congressional oversight; interests before government departments, agencies and legislative bodies; research and policy analysis; drafting or delivering of testimony; preparation and distribution of advocacy material; grassroots support; and understanding of regulatory issues, tax codes, public and private finance, economic development incentives, and the many multi layers of the matrix that make up the intersection of business and government.
Many attorneys and advisors on the Adams and Reese Government Relations team formerly served in government – as legislators, government staff members, and other public officials – giving the team insight into legislative challenges that businesses need to overcome to be successful. The team tracks and analyzes legislation and regulatory issues that carry ramifications for clients across all industries.