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The House has passed HR 6074, The Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act, by a vote of 415 to 2.

The measure contains approximately $8 billion in emergency spending and waives certain restrictions on Medicare telehealth programs to allow patients to receive remote care.

Because the funds are designated for emergency requirements, they are not subjected to budget caps or trigger the “pay-as-you-go” requirements that most legislation is subject to follow.

Department of Health and Human Services



Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund

To develop and purchase vaccines and medical supplies and an additional $300m in contingency funds to buy additional vaccines if necessary.  Initial funding includes $100 million for community health centers.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

$950 million for state and local preparedness grants, $300 million for global disease detection and response and $300 million for the Infectious Diseases Rapid Response Reserve Fund


National Institutes of Health

Majority of funds would go to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.  Additional $10million for worker-based training to reduce exposure to health workers.  


Food and Drug Administration

Response efforts including development of medical products


State Department and US Agency for International Development


Global Health Programs (including Emergency Reserve Fund)


Humanitarian and Health Assistance


Dept of State’s diplomatic operations, evacuation costs and emergency preparedness


Economic Support Fund


Small Business Administration

Funding for administrative expenses to provide approx $7 billion in low-interest disaster loans to small businesses.


The Senate is expected to take up and pass the measure this week, clearing the way for the President’s signature.

For additional information on the package, see attached the summary provided by the House Appropriations Committee.

We will continue to monitor this closely and provide updates on further developments.